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Ignorance Isn’t Always Bliss

Early last year, one of my aunts stepped on a rusty nail while wearing flip flops.

Because diabetes had compromised her ability to feel sensations in her feet, she had no idea the nail had pierced her skin.

And so she continued walking around in that nail embedded slippers for a couple more days.

Totally  unaware.

Until some discomfort  finally caught her attention enough  to make her ask her son to take a look.

A doctor’s appointment quickly followed.

And to everyone’s shock, soon after, my aunt underwent surgery for the amputation of her foot.

Unfortunately, our inability to feel or recognise the danger of a thing, doesn’t give us immunity from the painful consequences of it.

Like that rusty nail, Mental Illness is one such danger.

Maybe because of its stigma, maybe  because of our own unawareness, a mental health challenge is not always readily identified for what it really  is.

And so many of us live with our own unacknowledged struggles

Or with partners  and family members  whose unrecognised mental & emotional issues, unwittingly create painful consequences for us.

But while we  might be too reluctant or not sufficiently informed to give certain behaviours a name,  we do  tend to know all too well the


impact of them.

The anger, frustration and  disappointment as we watch ourselves or  them fail to live fulfilling optimal  lives.

The disruptiveness.  The disconnect. The annoyance at the seemingly constant  illogical decisions and choices.

The guilt, shame and struggle to feel  consistent warmth or  genuine  emotional connectivity to ourselves or to them.

Our minds


be our greatest allies.

They can also be the source of  our greatest suffering.

And  because mental health like physical health is never static or always the same, year after year after year

We really ought not to be surprised when we find ourselves or those around us

Moving up and down  the mental health  spectrum, based on contextual stress or compounded strain.

Not only is it ok not to always  be ok, It’s actually normal not to be.

Especially when life as we knew it, ceases to be as normal as it once was.

Anxiety, depression, insomnia, panic attacks and suicidal ideations are actually pretty clever messengers.

Emanating from  overwhelmed  minds that are desperately in need of attention , support and change.

Pay attention to them.

Recognize these calls for help.

Both within yourself and those around you.

Had my aunt been aware of that first piercing from that rusty nail, chances are she would not have  lost her foot last year.

Had so many of us been aware of the far reaching  impact  of early emotional wounds created by wounded adult caregivers,

Perhaps we might have sought  skilled professional support earlier and  might not have struggled or still be struggling as much today.

Be that as it may,  it’s still not too late.

The moment we become truly ready for support and change, remarkable strides  can be made.

Today is being celebrated as  World  Mental Health Day.

But safeguarding  Mental Health is  actually an ongoing  daily practice, 365 days of the year.

And while at some point it


involve changing the way you think about some things,

It’s actually best to begin  with taking a break from  overthinking and  giving your mind adequate rest .

Sleep. Rest. Move. Feel. Absorb Nature’s Beauty.  Listen to music.

Each time you physically immerse your self in your body and your 5 senses

Your mind gets a much needed break .

Remember  too that feelings are the domain of the body.

So  please  stop trying to use your mind to feel.

It’s actually a cruel and  impossible task to give  an already overwhelmed and exhausted mind.

Instead, become curious about


experiencing the actual emotions that lie underneath the blanket of your anxiety and depression.

Just like children, our emotions respond best when seen, touch, felt ,heard and acknowledged  warmly by their right name.

If you take some time to understand the nature of your mind

You’ll realise just how much less of a struggle life can be when you  start giving it what it truly needs.

Mindfulness is an essential component in learning how to befriend  and nurture & actually transform your mind.

Practice it.

Talking honestly freely and openly without judgment is  a priceless gift of unloading an over burdened mind.

Speak with a trusted friend.  Find a skilled therapist. And if necessary, consult with a Psychiatrist.

Happy Mental Health Day.

Please Be exquisitely kind to your Mind today!



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